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The flow of foreign visitors to Kamchatka adds 27%

08:22, 29 декабря 2014

Over the first nine months of 2014, the Kamchatka peninsulahas been visited by almost 14.4 thousand tourists, while during the entire 2013 this figure was just about 11.4 thousand. A total growth by the end of this year is expected to reach 27%. This was brought to light by the Head of Tourism and Internal Ties Agency of Kamchatka, Mr. Gevork Shkhiyan. He also added that the main countries generating the tourist flow have been the USA, Japan, and Canada. He has also outlined a direct connection between the upturn in the tourist flow and the up-and-going promotional activities carried out on both domestic and international travle markets in 2014. Over the upcoming year, Kamchatka is going to present itself as a tourist destination at various Asian travel trade fairs such as KOTFA (Republic of Korea), JATA (Japan), and BITE (China).


A schedule of events planned to be held in the Kamchatka Region in 2015 can be found at www.visitkamchatka.com.


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